Wednesday 2 March 2016

Creative process of Evaluation:

We first wrote all of our ideas out in rough in order to get inspiration from each other, then we created a main idea for each question so we had a plan that we could follow.

For Question 1 we included videos we recorded using Camtasia from youtube of the music videos we got inspiration from while creating our video. Then we created a script for all the things we wanted to say over our recorded footage. These were then recorded using quick time player on a laptop that we took into a quiet room to reduce the ambient noise given out due to our surroundings being a school it is very loud.

Due to use not having very much lesson time, we decided to record the screen before creating a script for the other questions as it is very time consuming. Therefore, we wrote down all of our ideas then wrote scripts once we knew what images we had to work with and what we had to include. Then we could record our voices at home as it was a more natural environment it doesn't song as rehearsed. We have also found it hard to find difference ways to answers each question, as we want to use as mean different media platforms as possible such as powtoon, youtube videos, screen recordings of our products, interviews, a questionnaire and voice recordings.

For Question 2 we decided to record all of ancillary texts on one screen which included our music video, poster and digipak. We showed all of the similarities, while recording the screen and moving the mouse when talking about particular things, then we are going to place a voice over explaining the processes we when through in creating them and why, An example of this is the front cover of our poster as it is the same as our digipak, we did this so they convey the same feel as it is very similar to our video with a black and white image with very little text also enabling it to be easily identifiable to consumers.

For Question 3 due to it being about audience feedback we have created a questionnaire in order for views to answer after watching our music video, we have decided to record their reactions and also answer a few questions about themselves to see where they fit within our target audience. We feel this is the best way to answer this question as it will show real emotions as our views will be feeling and therefore showing us through the way they answer our questions and their facial expressions.

Question 4 is about different media technologies we have used within the whole process of this project. We have used so many more then A2 as we have had to do a lot more research and create more products such as a digipak, therefore more programs have been used such as Indesign and Photoshop.