Tuesday 10 November 2015

Props, Costumes and Equipment:

Tobi- For all the shots we would like Tobi to wear casual clothing (e.g jeans or tracksuit with a t-shirt). The only prop Tobi will be having is the phone, for shots 7,8 and 16.

Emma- For shots 2,3 and 4 we would like Emma to wear a dress, symbolizing she is coming home the next day from a party and is in a bad state. In these shots, Emmas make-up will be all messed up due to us wanting it be look like its from the night before
For the rest of the shot, we would like Emma to wear casual clothing (e.g a top and jeans). The props Emma will be having is a Vodka bottle for shots 2,3,4,5 and 11, and pictures of her and Tobi to burn in the fire pit in shots 10 and 15.

Fire Pit- As none of us have a fire pit available, we have decided to buy one from a local scrap yard as buying a brand new one would not have the same effect as an old worn out fire tin.
This is an example we took from google of what we want it too look like.


Phone- We have got an old phone we are able to use for filming shots 7 and 8, for when our actor receives messages from his girlfriend. This is also second hand and able to ruin and throw into the fire at the end (shot 16)

Make-up-We will use make-up when getting ready to film. But also, the actress may attempt to put more on when drunk looking in the mirror. This is stereotypical and will make the actress look more vulnerable and more of a 'drunken mess'. This will be used in all shots with our actress in.

Cranberry Juice-This isn't necessary a prop, but was essential to buy in order to fill the bottles of something that will be good to film with. Not only this, but when using wine bottles, it may look similar to wine.

Wine/vodka-We collected wine and vodka bottles in order to smash for our slow motion shots which create a tense, damaging environment. The smashing of the bottle reflects the nature of there relationship; violent, toxic, poisonous and slowly breaking down.


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