Friday 8 January 2016

Smashing Bottle Videos:

We used two white bed sheets to create a white backdrop for our shots, this meant the colour of the 'wine' showed up more and also to prevent the audience being distracted by the background such as the garden and trees naturally behind. 
We stood on a chair behind the backdrop to get a good height inorder of the bottle to fully smash. We use an iphone6 to film these slow-motion shots, at first we were worried about using this device, but we soon understood the timings and the method in which to get the best footage. We found that we had to count to three seconds once pressing the recird button in order for the slow motion effect to kick in at the right time. As it didnt take long to film we didnt feel we needed to use a tripod as our arm wouldntget tired and the shots were in too strange positions in order to get the right angles using a tripod stand. 

After filming these shots, we went back and reviewed our footage. We then used the iphone editing crop button, in order to keep our footage minimal and consise rather than long and boring. We understand using expensive cameras and expensive software to create this slow motion effect would have been more effective, but this was not accessible to us, and we feel this other alternative worked in our favour and showed our use of modern technology. 

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